Event/Performance Dates
Wednesday 10 July
Thursday 11 July
Monday 22 July
Writer and Director - Darryl Spijkers
Choreographer - Tanya Erasmus
Featuring Iviwe Dibela and Danica Moodie
*We exist both where we’ve come from and where we’re going*
Inspired by the 1982 anti-war song of the same title – this is the story of Kleine Alle. She is a child of the world. She loves to listen out for the titihoya bird. She loves to play hopscotch. She loves to sit at the feet of her ouma. She loves to sing. She laughs and hopes and dreams.This powerful piece of multilingual and multidisciplinary theatre takes us on a provocative journey of desperation, compassion and acceptance – created as a tribute to children around the world who live at war.
*Ons bestaan uit waarvandaan ons kom, en ook waarheen ons oppad is.*
Geïnspireer deur die 1982 anti-oorlog lied met dieselfde titel - is hierdie die storie van Kleine Alle. Sy is die wêreld se kind. Sy geniet dit om te luister na die titihoya voëls. Sy geniet dit om eenbeentjie te speel. Sy is lief daarvoor om by haar ouma se voete te sit. Sy is lief daarvoor om te sing. Sy lag en het hoop en drome. Hierdie kragtige stuk van multidissiplinêre teater neem ons op ‘n uitlokkende reis van despirasie, deernis en aanvaarding - geskep as ‘n huldeblyk aan kinders regoor die wêreld wat moet leef in oorlog.
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