Event/Performance Dates
One of the most remarkable plays of our time; Tennessee Williams' Pulitzer Prize-winning southern drama comes to life on the Playhouse stage for its final four performances. Blanche DuBois, a faded and delicate Southern Belle, has mysteriously arrived on the doorstep of her younger sister, Stella, and her husband, the brutish Stanley Kowalski. Blanche makes herself at home in the couple's small apartment, however, her web of lies covering up her past soon begins to crumble. Her downward spiral brings her face to face with Stanley, leading to a final plea of passion and desperation that changes them both forever. 68 years after it was written, A Streetcar Named Desire is as spellbinding as ever. Don’t miss Samantha Taylor and Matthew Martin in this struggle for power and sanity as directed by Darryl Spijkers.
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