Darryl Spijkers’ se weergawe van die klassieke Amerikaanse boek “Of Mice and Men” word vertel soos ons die saga van Bennie en Boef waarneem soos hulle grootword.

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About the show


Event/Performance Dates


15 and 17 JULY (Preview)

23 JULY (Playhouse Drama Festival)

Director and Writer - Darryl Spijkers
Choreographer - Unathi Mankahla
With - Dedrich Fourie, Hugo Strydom, Anja de Villiers and more

‘n Groep kinders word groot in ‘n karavaan park wat grens aan die karnaval. Hulle dae is vervul met die speletjies en wonders van om jonk te wees, sonder bekommernisse. Tyd gaan verby en die karnaval sluit, maar die geluide van die kinders bly. Darryl Spijkers’ se weergawe van die klassieke Amerikaanse boek “Of Mice and Men” word vertel soos ons die saga van Bennie en Boef waarneem soos hulle grootword. Hoe vêr sal jy gaan om jou broer se wagter te wees? #diehemelskrapers #hemerlenaarde #boef

The play will represent PV at the Eastern Cape leg of the ATKV Tienertoneel competition in August. A group of children grow up living in a caravan lot adjacent to a carnival fairground. Their days are filled with the games and the magic of being young, without cares or worries. Times change and the carnival closes down. The sound of the children remain. Darryl Spijkers’ adaptation of the American classic novel ‘Of Mice and Men’ comes alive as we follow the saga of Bennie and Boef as they face growing up. How far would you go to be your brother’s keeper? #diehemelskrapers #hemerlenaarde #boef